Good morning, lovely people of Naas! Whether you’re a local or a visitor, passing through our famed Farmers Market, I’ve got just the thing that’ll catch your eye amidst the fresh produce and handcrafted wares. No, it’s not artisan cheese or home-baked bread, it’s something every traveller, be it frequent or occasional, needs. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the finest range of Kono suitcases right here, right now!

Let me introduce myself; I’m Sean, your friendly suitcase salesman. But why, you might wonder, are suitcases doing in the midst of a farmers market? Well, Naas isn’t just known for its fresh produce, but for its blend of tradition and modernity. Here, we appreciate quality, durability, and of course, style. And that’s where Kono comes in!

For those unfamiliar, Kono is a brand that speaks elegance and durability. A blend of functionality and flair, every suitcase is designed with the user in mind, keeping in tandem with the ever-evolving demands of modern travel. From the smallest cabin bags to the grand check-ins, Kono ensures that your travel game is always on point. If you are not at the market we also have a nationwide website selling the full range of suitcases at

Why Kono, you ask? Let’s delve a bit deeper:

  1. Variety: Whether you’re a light packer or one who believes in carrying a piece of home wherever they go, we’ve got all sizes. Cabin, medium, large – take your pick!
  2. Design: Not just your regular black and blue, but a range of colours and patterns. Show off your style, be it classic, funky, or chic!
  3. Durability: Made with the finest materials, Kono promises resilience. Whether it’s a rough airport handling or an adventurous road trip, your belongings are safe and sound.
  4. Light as a Feather: Despite their sturdy build, Kono suitcases are surprisingly lightweight. That means less strain on you and more weight allowance for your souvenirs!

Now, I know the Irish weather can be a tad unpredictable, but come rain or shine, your Kono suitcase has got you covered, both figuratively and literally! Their water-resistant exterior ensures that a little drizzle won’t dampen your travel spirits or belongings.

For those weekend getaways to the countryside or those longer journeys to distant lands, Naas folks have always shown an adventuring spirit. So, why not invest in a suitcase that matches that spirit? Think of it as a partnership; you bring the adventure, Kono brings the reliability.

And the best part? Special Farmers Market prices! That’s right, folks. Only here at Naas Farmers Market can you get exclusive deals on these beauties. But remember, these aren’t just suitcases. They’re your next travel companion, your stylish accessory, and your most reliable ally on every journey.

So, while you’re filling your bags with fresh veggies, cheeses, and perhaps a treat or two, don’t forget to grab a suitcase that’ll carry all the memories you make on your travels. Swing by our stall, have a chat, maybe share a travel tale or two, and let’s find you the perfect Kono suitcase to suit your needs.